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  • Google My Business Listing Optimization

Google My Business Listing Optimization


If you're looking for a fast and easy way to get your business on the same playing field as large competitors, look no further than Haus of 7. Our expert team of professionals offers valuable insights on how to boost rankings and maximize sales. We can analyze your listing and spot any inaccuracies, then implement up to 30 actions tailored specifically to your needs. Our goal is ensure that you get the most out of your investments while keeping ahead of the competition – all within just an hour! With Haus of 7 ensuring success has never been easier.

    • 1 Business City Listing
    • Apple Maps Setup
    • 1 Update/Offer/Event (designed in Canva or you provide)
    • Your Choice of a mix of 30 actions**
      • Photo Setup*
      • Product Setup*
      • Services Setup*
      • Events Setup*
      • FAQ in Chat
    • Edit Profile Optimization
    • Chat Setup


    *We can set up to 30 items in the optimization.  Any more items will be discussed as an extra charge not to exceed $250.

    *All clients must provide all of the images via a Google Drive or direct us to where they want to grab the images from.

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